Thursday, February 10, 2011

< S.C.H.O.O.L + C.O.P.Y.C.A.T >

omagahh ! >.<"
i'm dead tired ! hu3 . .
homework are just . . uh . . tiresome ! :[[
i still have 3 essays to finish ! damn it ! -.-
plus , i'll be joining a tuition class . . so that mean , MORE WORKS !
gahhh . . (sighs)
but , what can i do . . this is an important year for me . . SPM !
duhh . . can't believe i'm already in Form 5 . . 
good bye precious high school life ! TT______TT
hu3 . . ok , ok . . enough about school . 

let's talk about , um , yeah , this blog !
duhh . . i think it's kinda lame and old-looking too . . maybe i'll change it , soon . . 
yeah , because i'm TOO BUSY with homework and stuff , i don't have the time to update my ff . . 
ku3 . . sorry for that . . >.<"
i'll update it weekly . . (if i can ! )

well then , let's leave that aside , n talk about that ANNOYING , DIMWIT , STUPID , MELON , COPYCAT !
yeah , it's not over yet . she's still copying me . . and now , WTH ? don't u have any other words in ur head , my dear dear friend ? ?
god . . if u want write , just write . . i don't care . . but do u have to COPY my words too ? ? isn't it enough copying HOW i write things ? ? 
geez . . u really don't have ur own sense of creativity eh ?
and also , stop talking about me and Ahn please ? we're over ok ? OVER ? do i need to repeat it ?
it's OVER , darned it ! ! 
do u possibly think , that i , will be touched if u said that u wish to be like me
for heaven sake ! ! !
i don't ! ! i HATE it ! did u see that ? HATE ! !
lame ! ! there's nothing between us anymore , so there's no point on saying things that was related to me !
if u want to , u would've said it BEFORE ! but yet , did u say anything ? ?
U DON'T ! ! u just keep ur mouth shut and look when people are bashing me !
saying that it's ur fault and stuff . . but do u know what , IT IS YOUR FAULT !
hell , did u do anything about it ? NO
stupid , it's useless talking about that now . i'm gone and i'm happy with it .
in fact , i'm GLAD that i'm no longer in that , uh , shall i say , WORTHLESS , group ? 
oh , maybe STUPID group sounds better . :))
yeah , it does  . . ^^
STUPID GROUP . . ku3 . . ;pp
aigoo . . seriously guys , GROW UP ! !
this whole stuff are wasting ur precious time . . POINTLESS ok ? POINTLESS !
but hey , it's up to u guys laa . . it's ur life right ?
i don't care as long as u don't COPY me !
geez . . stop it . . i'm not going to tell u , because i want to see whether u realize that u are copying me or not . .
so far , i think u don't . because u're still with ur 'OWN' life . . (really ?)
ha3 . . LIFE ? i don't think u have one . . if u do , u'll NEVER copy people right ? 
carry on , my dear dear friend . . 
(i feel like puking writing the word 'friend' coz , u're NOT my friend . .)
keep on doing that , coz it won't last . . :PP
keep on living in ur 'copied' life . . 

ah , before i end this , whoa , long post . . shall i give u guys a little info ? 
one , u spell believe , as BELIEVE . . not BELIVE . . . 
and also , thinking is spelled as THINKING . . not THINGKING . . 
what's THINGKING huh ? a king of thing ? LOL ! 
ur fail is embarrassing ! ! i believe that it's not just a typo , coz u spelled those for like , tons of time now . . seriously , use the dictionary will ya ??
about grammar function , ke3 . . i guess that's out of my hand . . but hey , we've learned about tenses from ELEMENTARY SCHOOL , friend ! ! 
how can u not know that 'will' cannot be followed by a past tense verb ? ? 
and if u've put 'most' at the front , u can't put '-est' on the word after it ! !
same goes to 'more' . why the hell did u put '-er' after the word 'more' ? ? ?
seriously , even a Form 1 student knows that ! !
here are some examples . . 

>More cuter (WTH??) is supposed to be 'CUTER' or 'MORE CUTE' . . but people usually use 'cuter' or 'much cuter' . . not more cuter ! that's wrong !
>Most youngest (-.-") is supposed to be 'youngest' . . 'most' already carries the same meaning as '-est' . . why did u join it together ? ? 
>I'll shared . . oh god . . there's the 'll or 'will' . . that thing hasn't happen yet . . so it should be 'I'll share' . . same goes to other verbs maa . . :PP

yes . . my English is not perfect too . . i admit that !
i also did a lot of grammatical errors . .
it's not like i never made mistakes . . but hell ! 
people says 'learn from your mistakes' , not 'REPEAT your mistakes' ! ! 
hu3 . . i hope u see this and work on ur English . .
i'm not bragging but , simple things like this are unacceptable for someone ur age . . 
a lot of younger students can write better than u , believe me . . 
if u're not willing to learn from ur mistakes , don't write in English
i hate when people think that they're good in it when they actually don't ! !
yeah , we're all learning , and i'm learning as well . . but hey , don't u know these basic stuff ? ?
gosh . . work on ur vocabulary too . . use the dictionary , read a lot of books !
rather than seeing u and ur mistakes , i rather do this . . 

yeah , i know i may sound cocky , but this is the truth . :|
i don't care what people think of me , since who are they to judge me ? 
they don't know me , the real me . . so , why the hell should i care about what they say right ?
but , don't meddle with my business , or u'll got what u deserved . .
that's why , if u really want to BE like me , or COPY me , make sure u're GOOD ENOUGH to at least write like me !

huk3 . . 
i think it's enough now . . i better finish my homework . . till then , see u guys later ! 
annyeong !


Lyeanna Wana said...

i feel like crying when I read this post~~ don't misunderstand..i just imagined how 'brilliant' this person..let me 'she' in ur school?? i think so..correct me if I'm wrong..again, my BI is not too perfect too..

P/s> cursing this fellow like a crazy bitch~~(me)

MinEun said...

hu3 . . u don't have to dear . . :))
don't cry ok ? ^^
my school ? nahh . . we NEVER see each other , dear ~ ;]we barely know each other too . .
yeah , mine too . . but how can she be that , uh , bad ? ? u're MUCH MUCH better than her dongsaeng . . believe me . .
aigoo . . don't curse . . hu3 . . don't be like me . . :((

kak peah XD said...

A KING OF THING ? LMAO !!!! nice one Eun ! hahaha~
yeahh , dear 'FRIEND' stop copying her laa . we're at the same age , u should copy someone older than us , what a shame ! yea , my english aren't perfect too . but i didn't copying her . if i do , lantak lahh ! she's my best friend ! haha~ plus , stop asking bout us . tanya khabar laa ape laa . stop it lah WEYH . nampak FAKE giler okay ! DUHH ! about that group . haha~ budak2 baru nak UP bole laa join . GET A LIFE 'FRIEND' . i BELIVE what u THINGKING . hahahaha~ i hope that ***** will read this . LOL !

MinEun said...

ha3 . . whaddup Ahn ! ! :))
hi-5 ! ! ku3 . .
LOL , friend ? ? :PP
yeah . . we're soulmates right ? ? :]]
taw tape . . tolong la . . engat ktorg suke ke ? MENYAMPAH lgy ade taw ? ? hu3 . .
LOL dear ! ! ! u're so great ! ! shake those b**bies of urs ! ! :DD

kak peah XD said...

LMAO ! yeah !
of course we are babe !
and Wana , crying ? LOL whut ?
omo ! that copycat is not u lah kiddo . haha~

b0o said...

haissh unnie pun naek geram ngn si "dia" ney ..sape ek?? stupid grup? alamak grup?? is it ***?? but if yes ..hmm ..i'll hate that person ! :'(
terase jugak i ngan ayat makcik syushi ku ineyh .

MinEun said...

hu3 . . sorry for that eonni . .
but that's the truth . . i'm not gonna hide my feelings anymore . . buat baek pon bukan org kesah . . jdik watpe na wat baek dgn org yg tataw na jage aty org un ?
yes . . u know that person very well . . n eonni bleyh tgk dry style typing dye . . kalo eonni perasan la . . up to u eonni . . not going to say "oh , don't hate her" or whatsoever . . mian . .

b0o said...

oke then ~ u've the ryte to hate her .. unnie xnk focus ngn kisah copycat ..kite back to happy tyme in this ff~
ur ff make me feel in other world :)
kamsahamida <3

kak peah XD said...
