Thursday, March 24, 2011

the results , the magazine , n the hoars .

ahh , annyeong haseyo ! :))
hello folks ! howdy ? ^^
[uh , i feel like a retarded person]
yosh ! stop stalling n get down to business ! 
so , yesterday , (23/3/2011) the results for SPM '10 is out ! !
uhh . . scary ne ? even i got butterflies . . 
huk3 . . 
congratulations to those who got straight As in their SPM !
also to those who managed to got A in their SPM . . 
hey , it's not the end of the world ok ? ?
stop staring at ur slip n start looking forward ! :))
LOL . . why do i even said this ? >.<"
anyway , it's not really the main point of my post . . 
it's actually about the my school's magazine ! 
hu3 . . 
what's it got to do with me ?
duhh . . i'm one of the member of the 'Sidang Redaksi' or the board member for the magazine . . 
i'm in charge of it too . . 
so yesterday , our teacher receive a pile of magazines for the past year's form five students . . 
BUT ! ! 
eventually , there's a typing error !
instead of writing 'Tingkatan' or 'Form' for the class picture , 
someone typed it as 'Tahun' or 'Standard' !
oh great ! 
so we , the members , need to peel the stickers to replace the 'Standard' ! !
oh yes ! ! it's tiring ! !
i mean like , really really tiring !
i miss a class because of that . .
plus , my throat turns sore because i stay too long in the computer lab !
great ! just great !
now i sound like a rhino ! ! >.<"
huk3 . . poor me right ?
duhh . . :PP
what a crybaby . . but hey , it's up to me what to write in here right ? :PP

n also , there's something that irritate me today !
so today , i went for a medical check-up for my upcoming shooting training with 9 more participants . . 
n one of them , no , actually two of them , really ask for a face palm (/slap) ! !
oh shit !
just shut up will ya ? ?
are u the only one in the whole world , that knows everything ? ?
oh no u don't !
Miss , excuse me , but , U'RE SO FREAKING ANNOYING ! !
just keep ur mouth shut if u don't know a thing !
seriously , how annoying can u get ? ?
u're 15 ok ? 15 ! ! 
n i'm like 17 here ! ! i'm ur senior ok ? ? show some respect , damnit !
duhhh !
i'm not ur friend ! so stop acting like a hoe ! :PP
n for the other one , uh yes . . 
u never manage to make me like u . . 
u're just plain annoying n irritating !
if i may , i'll crush u tow together !
both of u can go die in a hole somewhere !
just keep ur dirty mouth , n ur dirty attitude out of my sight !
darn !
how i wish i don't have to go ! ? :[[
stupid ! aatsdagfdjshldilsetrkewhngf ! 

p/s : hoars is actually whore . . go google it if u don't know what it is . . :P


Lyeanna Wana said...

oh ok..pening..@.@
tp mmg annoying kan bab kurang haja ni? kan? kan? mari tendang beramai2!!

kak peah XD said...

howdy partner ? *memang mcm retarded* LOL ! owh , magazine nie aq pon tolong , penat aih . nasib baik ade nasik goreng . haha~ uhh ? do u mean that "little hoar" ? jimbo's sister ehh ? or the other hoar yang kata "Onew saya punya tu ?" LOL !

MinEun said...

wana , ape yg pening nye ? ayat eonni cam keling tarbus ke ? ku3 . . uhh . . btol2 . . tendang hape , kite bako ! kite bako ! :PP
ahn , shatap bebeh ! want me to shut it ? ? *pedo stare
duhh . . yola2 . . taw la ko penampal sejati . . [penampal ? LOL !]
nasik goreng pon sodapp . . :]]
haa , jimbo tuh punye adek la . . yg hoar lgy seko tuh little mende . . da macam mak ayam , eh , mak orang da aq tgk . . :PP

b0o said...

tough day ryte.. keep it strong . keep ur head down la makcik2 propa hehehe [kepade org yg dibengangi my syushi]hahaha