After recess, Kibum enters the class and everyone land their eyes on him, thinking where did he went to. he stares at them and they quickly turns away. as he reached his seat, he looks to EunShi's empty seat. he sits with his eyes still on her seat, without knowing that Minho, is looking at him. then...
Sulli: That was the best lunch ever!
Hyomin: Yes! we never had so much fun eating before!
EunShi: (smiles) I had a lot of fun too, thanks to u guys...
Sulli: Ani! thanks to u!
Hyomin: (nods) Um!
EunShi: (shakes head) Never mind, thanks to each of us. how's that?
Sulli&Hyomin: (nods) Um!
Sulli: Ah, i need to use the bathroom. wanna join me?
EunShi: Ani... i'll just wait in class...
Hyomin: Then, i'll go with u!
Sulli: Ne! bye, EunShi!
Hyomin: (waves) Bye-bye!
EunShi: (nods and enter the class)
She stops when her eyes meets Kibum's. it's not because she's shock to see him, it's because he's smiling at her. and it is really surprising since he never smiles to her ever since they break up. but now, he's smiling at her, with the smile that he never shows to anyone, apart from her. acting tough, she swallows her guts and walks to her seat, ignoring him. but his eyes are still on her, and his lips still smiling. she sits down and pretend like it's nothing.
With all his courage, Kibum opens his mouth. even though it really hurts seeing her ignoring him like that. but, the words that Jinwoon said earlier manages to keep him going and stick to his plan...
Kibum: Have u had your lunch, EunShi?
EunShi: (shocked)
Kibum: Hmmm?
EunShi: (cold voice) None of your business.
Kibum: Ah, jeongmal? (rubs head) but i just want to know whether u had your lunch yet or not... like the old time...
EunShi: (turns to him) Mwo?
He smirks. not because he managed to get her attention, well that too, but he also managed to make the col-blooded creature with death stare eavesdrop to them. he can see clearly how Minho nearly drop his book when he said 'like the old time'. seeing that victory might turn to him, he added more...
Kibum: U didn't have a really good tummy, Eun-i... so u have to eat a lot... that's why i ask... (concern face)
EunShi: What're u talking about?
Kibum: I still remember, when u fainted during sports day...
EunShi: Huh?
Kibum: Trying to act tough when i asked u to eat. that's what happened! (chuckles) i don't want to see u faint again... so, here... (puts a bag of buns on her desk)
EunShi: (peeks then stares at him)
Kibum: (smiles) Luckily i managed to bought the buns. i got everything that u like... see, (takes out a bottle) i even bought your favorite milk!
EunShi: (looks away) I don't want it.
Kibum: Huh?
EunShi: I said i don't want it. take it away.
Kibum: Eun-i...
EunShi: And don't call me that. it's disgusting. (takes out Physics books and stands) Mr. Han said we'll be going to the lab for Physics. (walks away)
Jaejin: Ah? jeongmal??
EunShi: (nods) Yeah.
Kibum freezes at his place. in deed, he was ignored. totally ignored. luckily no one saw that because they were too absorbed in their businesses. but, one person did. and that person stands with a his usual cold face and walks away. he glances at him, at Kibum knows what that glance mean...
Minho: (in his head) Sorry bout that, friend.
And when everyone is gone, Kibum feels like crying again. he stares at the buns and the strawberry milk in his hand. he nearly throws it away, but, he pulls himself together, and swears to himself.
Kibum: For EunShi, i won't give up. (glares at Minho's seat) and u haven't win yet, Choi Minho. just wait and see. she's mine, and she's forever be mine.
Quickly, he grabs his books and rushes out of the classroom, catching up with the rest. of course he manages to, he's one of the top runner in the district, so it's not that hard for him to catch up to her.
Kibum: Yah, EunShi! wait up!
EunShi: (stops and turns)
Kibum: I made it! (smiles) let's go together!
EunShi: (blank stares)
Kibum: Hmm? what's up?
She frowns and turns away, surprise by his sudden change. but, she let it pass and walks away. seeing that, Kibum quickly uniforms his steps to her and now they walk at the same pace. but she ignores him, like no one is walking next to her. but, determined, Kibum tries to hold a conversation...
Kibum: Ah, u got taller, haven't u?
EunShi: (glances and raise her shoulder)
Kibum: Fufufu... u did!
EunShi: I did not.
Kibum: U did! before, u're just about this tall, (points to his cheek) now u're this tall! (points to his ears)
EunShi: No! i'm not that short!
Kibum: Eh?? (laughs) u do! u're kinda short back then!
EunShi: (glares) No!
Kibum: U do, sweetie-pie...
EunShi: (mehrong) Nan aniya!
Kibum: U do!!
Kibum is happy. looks like his plans work. he keeps teasing her. even though sometimes she just ignored it, but she shows some facial expression too. and, as they walk, side by side, Kibum can feels his back is burning. and feeling that he knows that he still has the chance to win too. so, who's burning his back? who else?? Choi Minho! who's staring at them with his fiery gaze. as if there's flame in his eyes. his heart thumps like crazy and he can feels his veins expanding throughout his body. he's mad. nope, he's jealous. jealous with the scene in front of him. like everyone else, he wonders too, why did Kibum act like that. but, he knows why. he see right through him. he wants her back. yes. he does. and, he's not going to stand there and do nothing, while watching the love of his life got swaps away by her ex-boyfriend, right? the laboratory is getting near and he needs to think fast.
Brilliantly, he cuts a few guys in front of him and get close to them. with his accurate measurement, he throws his mechanical pencil's lid to EunShi's right hand, which is carrying her textbook. and blop! it hits right where he wants it to.
EunShi: Ouch! (drops her textbook)
Kibum: Uh? what's wrong??
EunShi: (hold her hands)
Kibum: What's the matter??
Minho: (gently) Gwenchanayo?
EunShi: Uh... (nods)
Minho: What's wrong with your hand?
EunShi: Molla... i think something bites my hand. but there's no mark...
Minho: Let me see... (takes her hand) ah, maybe something hits it?
EunShi: Uh... molla...
Minho: (lets go and pick her book) U should be more careful... here...
EunShi: Ah, gomawo...
Minho: No problem... shall we?
EunShi: (nods and walk away)
Minho follows her and turns his head a little bit, enough to let Kibum sees his devilish smirk as he walks away with EunShi, who's leaving him behind. irritated, he catches up. a 'pushing-war' occurs right behind her but she didn't realize it. and they continued it util it was time to sit. EunShi sits at the second line to the left and both of them are trying to sit next to her. since he's taller and has a good reflex, Minho managed to sit next to her.
EunShi: (realizes that Minho is next to her) Oh, it's u!
Minho: Uh? wae?
EunShi: (smiles and shakes her head) Ani... do u like physics?
Minho: Na?
EunShi: (nods)
Minho: Kinda... but i don't favours it... how about u?
EunShi: Fufufu... i hate it.
Minho: Really?
EunShi: Yeah...
Minho: (completely paying attention to her) Wae?
EunShi: (blow her cheeks and raise her shoulder)
Minho smiles. 'she's so cute!' popped in his head. 'i just want to bite her! uh, i can't do that eh? damn! but hey, she talk to me!' he thought. it really makes him happy. they talk a little about this and that before focusing at their books and start discussing about the lesson. since she's new, she doesn't know where Class 1-1 have reached. so, Minho told her and they look really close when they're discussing...
At the same time, Kibum, who's right behind them, feels like his eyes are about to burst. he's so mad! or, so jealous! 'damn that Minho! i nearly got to sit next to her!' he thought. but, there's nothing he can do than watching them talking to each other and exchange gazes. he hold his fist and clenches his teeth. his face starts to turn red and he's about to burst. Yoseob, who's next to him, move away for a bit because of the heat from the 'Perfect Kim' is overflowing. and he doesn't want to be his 'victim'. and Kibum keeps glaring at both of them, throughout the whole lesson...
Class 1-1![]() |
Hallway (cr to: kortney_thoma) |
WAHHHH ! Seobie ! <333
hebat laa kaw , Yoseob ade ! weee~
nak ptus dngan Onew laa , nak amek Yoseob , HAHAHA~ *joke*
kaw b'foya2 dgn Sulli n Hyomin ehh , kaw lupekan aq ! FUUUUUU~!!
kaw suke susu strawberry ehh ? aq ingat kaw suke susu kopi , haha~
wahhh~ sweet laa Minho , giler comel main baling2 pensel tekan , haha~
cehh , dia xsuke Physics , betul2 dia gi msukkan dlm ff , haha~
peewit , da ade gmbar nmpak XD
LOL ! aq wat ko clash btol2 kang . . gatalll ! ! huk3 . .
opcos . . ko sape ? ? :PP
yeah babe . . susu kopi ? owh , dutch lady tuh ek ? tuh pon aq suke gak ~
bukan pensel tekan la , tutup pensel tekan tuh je . . :P
he3 . . mesti ~ ~ tulah . . celanat mne tah bgy idea . . tuh yg aq taruk tuh . . :DD
pfft...flames2 !!
waah susu strawberry..almak, ta suke pulak..cantek la kelas..eyt2, pinda skolah la..
celanat itu adalah unnie mybe? x cilap unnie la unnie ade kasi cadangan ..
sy suke fizikk :) hehehe
fufufu ..gelakkah tu?hehe
peanut : cian u,onew trpukaw ngn nme unnie,syushi plak sibuk ngn sulli n hyomin ..
meh kat unnie,meh ! hehe
nahh . . that celanat is Ahn la eonni . . she's the one who came up with that idea . . i'll never call anyone else 'celanat' other than her . . :DD
sota unnie hehehe (*_*)
mianhe ..
sota unnie hehehe (*_*)
mianhe ..
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